Friday, June 15, 2007

Life has its ways...

When planning out what you want for the future, you must always leave room for life to get in the way. Sometimes the best laid plans are redirected because of things either beyond our control like sickness or because of bad decision making like marrying for the wrong reasons or getting pregnant by the wrong guy (check!)

It't only been 4 years since my quarter life crisis took over my thoughts and actions but I feel light years away from it already. Back then, questioning my existence and everything I held dear and thought to be true things in life felt like the most important thing to do. I felt neither here nor there and knew that no one but myself could pull me out of the rut I was in.

I think all of us go through that transition from kid to adult confused because something happens that breaks down everything we built for ourselves in the past that we thought was "it" We spend our puberty figuring out our lives just for everything to suddenly seem wrong and senseless and even not real when we hit the crossroads between being who we were and allowing ourselves to become who we were meant to.

We will continue encountering roadblocks through out our lives but for most, this is the first one, the one we were not expecting and the one we feel we need to win against if we want to have any faith left in our futures. It is normal and expected to feel depressed and hopeless and to feel the need to force ourselves to face the everyday goings on of life.

Maybe I was lucky that my quarter life-ing involved motherhood hovering over me and counting down every second. Without another person involved, I would have probably stayed in my self-absorbed, confused, "where am I going, what is my life about" state. Although I am not telling everyone that getting pregnant is the answer, it was just what I needed personally at that time. I immediately felt myself changing after I found out I was with child, and the process of becoming a better person, a nicer person and having more clarity towards life and the world is a continuous thing for me. I know for a fact that even if I am not perfect (well, that is relative. haha jk) I am 100% better off now than I was 4 years ago.


Although we spent Ananda's real birthday at Fun Ranch, we had a big pirate bash for her the following Saturday. I brought in gold and black (w/ skull print!) baloons from Australia and all her loot bags, plates and even Anette Sison cake and cupcakes were all pirate themed.
Yummy butter cake and cupcakes w/ buttercream frosting! Pirate themed w/ skulls, ships and treasure chests!
The Captain before the party! Ahoy Mateys! She's so cute! I bought her costume at that party store along Sunnyholt where we got the stuff for Ala's Hollywood party.
Ananda in the hot seat w some of the other kids and the pirate game host/magician. She was a bit overwhelmed.
Working his magic. The kids loved it! He was good. Except he kept saying "burstday" for birthday.
About to blow her nth birthday cake! Before we slept that night, she gave me a big hug and said "Thank You mama. I love you so so much. Also lola and Ninang Gina" hehe!

It was fun. I got La Comida to cater and we had yummy kiddie party food-flavored fries, baked mac, mini siopao, waffle dogs, chicken ala king tartlets, barbeque and mini pizzas. My mom also got puto bumbong and bibingka-which I didn't get to try boo hoo! All in all it was a great party with all our friends showing up (well, most hehe)Ananda had a fun day with a few sungit portions, kids had fun, adults had fun and I marketted by clam dip haha.

Next year though, I am going to rely on the good people at McDonalds, Shakeys or wherever to deal with the party. I love planning but if I do this every year I'll go broke!

Lastly, I applied at two magazines, and I've already gotten an offer for one of them. I decided to stay put for awhile and getting a job will force me to. I realized a few days ago that I haven't been anywhere for more than 6 months since 2005. I think I will now, just for awhile, so I'm not on flight mode all the time.

That's it for now. Peace Joes!

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