I really dislike Judge Judy. I dislike the way she points fingers at the plaintiff and defendant and how she thinks she can tell people who they are based on certain actions.
But Judge Judy is not the topic of discussion tonight.
I was reading through an old blog entry from 2005 when I was going through a very painful break-up. It was a really difficult time for me and my only way of purging all the bad vibes inside of me was to write furiously in my blog. I wrote ALL my feelings on a daily basis and at that time in my life, I allowed myself to go through the pain of it all=no holds barred! I wanted it completely annihilated and for me the only way to do so is to let it completely go through you, no matter how gargantuan the task might seem.
So I did, and it was a daily dose of verbal diarrhea, if not more, for readers of my blog. I don't blog for your reading pleasure-although it is comforting to know that I am interesting or entertaining enough for people to want to read about on a daily basis. There was this one reader though who couldn't say anything remotely nice about me and my siblings.
After a particularly emo post, he left this comment:
"Things will not change for you until you change your attitude about life. Change in environment cannot and will not change your unhappiness until you summon happiness yourself.
Why do men leave? Because men are attracted to women who are naturally fun and happy, confident, lovable and smart. They do not like women who are
whinners, insecure, demanding and nags. They are like thorns on their sides.
Happiness is a state of mind! So, live in the here and now. To be loved is to love and to be happy is to give joy.
Do something more useful with your time like preparing for a real career. Make-up artists here in Australia don't earn much money working in beauty salons. How will you raise your child without nanny while working full-time?
These are real and practical issues you may want to really think about.
Good luck."
I was so upset with this stupid, judgemental idiot who thought he knew everything about my life and who I was. After a comment back from me, my sister and a few other people, he continued saying other things like we basically lived off our parents and we were so useless and all that.
First of all, I was so upset that someone whould be STUPID enough to think that being a make-up artist is NOT a REAL, credible, valid career path. Second, i was fuming at the fact that my family was being judged through BLOG ENTRIES and lastly, I was depressed at the thought that there are people this world who are moronic enough to treat other people like shit by verbally attacking them (or in this case-in writing) on their blog, telling them how to run their lives and what is wrong with them.
He also is from Australia. I actually don't know if it's a he or a she but it sounded like a guy speaking. After reading it, it made me wonder if he still reads my blog. I hope he's accidentally fallen over a cliff, drowned in the great barrier reef or mauled by a dingo in the bush.
I just got upset because I was reading thorugh my old entries in my old blog and I came across it. Ugh. Why are there so many stupid people in this universe? It is one thing to give pure hearted advice and constructive criticism and quite another to judge and put down another person-specially if you don't know the person.
In reality, I am in a semi-foul mood because of something else. Disappointed in this person who was almost like another brother to me. But oh well, shit happens.
Well, off to Bronte tomorrow. I think the two people I'm going with (Ala and Chini) really need a day at the beach.
Lisette, I know you will read this eventually, Sorry I didn't get back at you! Let's talk when I get back tomorrow!
Monday, April 30, 2007
A Taste of Heaven
Make that two big gulps!
1. I was fortunate enough to have gotten a flyer (from my mom's friend) of the YSL Beaute Warehouse sale. The minute I saw it, I was itching to go. The next day, we had no cars and it was all the way in Rydalmere. When my brother finally got home, I POUNCED on him to go with me. I didn't know what to expect at first and exactly how cheap I could get the items for, but I went anyway out of curiousity.
Oh my god. The second you get in, you can pick up a BOX to put all your loot in. Women were grabbing 3-4-5 boxes of fragrances, 5 lipsticks and packs of skin care products. It was nuts! As you all know, YSL is one of the luxury brands that don't care anything below $50 (Maybe even more)
I decided to be smart about it and not go psycho and start stuffing the box with random products. I came prepared and took out moved everything in my account to another except the amount I was willing to spend-$200. I fgured if it was cheap enough, I could get a supply enough to last me a year of work and if it wasn't, then I could get a few things and my most favorite Babydoll perfume for myself.
I ended up getting 4 foundation compacts (all perfect for FIlipina skintone for when I get back to Phils!), 2 glosses, 1 lipstick, that cute gold YSL bracelet w/ the three locket things that contain a lipstick, a highlighter and a gloss, In Love Again Perfume (My second favorite now since I smelled it. I was contemplating whether to get that or the Stella McCartney STELLA perfume but, like I said before, I like sweet and/or fruity scents.), A 50 ml Babydoll perfume that came w/ free mascara and nail/lip moisturizer 9A steal at $30! I checked Myer yesterday and it retails for $59 for JUST the perfume!) and lastly two eyebrow gels in different shades (for shoots etc)
I was high for about two hours after. I felt like I got my fix and I was good to go. And the best part is, I didn't even reach my targeted budget but spent way less! *sigh* Friday was a good day! It was my sunshine through the clouds and rain!
2. So, after the high I got from the sale kinda deflated due to the fact that as soon as I got home, I realized it was my turn to cook dinner and my previously marinated chicken was sitting in a bowl, waiting to be breaded and baked. Right before my mood was completely back to harassed mode, I get an sms from my friend Lisette asking me if I was busy the next day ..."If not, I am taking you to Max Brenner!" haha! I quickly replied that I wasn't. I didn't even want to waste my time going to Glebe because all reports predicted rains through out the day.
So yesterday, I restrained myself from eating anything chocolate because I wanted my Italian Thick to be special!We met up at Max Brenner in Parramatta and gulped down a Dark Italian Thick EACH and devoured a plate of strawberries with chocolate dip (as if the THICK hot chocolate wasn't enough) Between the kwento and all the chocolate, I was feeling quite happy again and ready for some (window) shopping.
I had great self control yesterday, I must say. I kept thinking that I spent over a hundred bucks the day before on make-up so I didn't want to and COULDN'T spend more than $25 dollars today (actually I didn't want to spend anything but I gave myself that because I knew I'd cheat anyway) Saw 2 cute dresses at Valley Girl, but nope, don't need another dress. Next door at Betts, I fell in love with a pair of red patent pumps-on sale for $49.95 from $90. But-NO, over my budget for the day. At MAC, I wanted to buy the LADYBUG lipstick I've been eyeing-$34 dollars. No can do. And besides, with my 30% discount at MAC in Paddo, I could get it for ten dollars cheaper.
On the way to finding my mom, I found this little store that sold cheap stuff so I decided to check it out. It was called Groove and I was able to get my Dessert Treats whipped cream on sale and a nice latte colored bag plus a little treat for Ananda, all for less than $25.
Mission Accomplished!
Went to a house warming in Annandale last night and I am jealous of the older houses with so much character. The houses in neighborhoods like ours are nice but all look the same! Hay, when I get back and decide to settle, I will get my terrace apartment.
It's a nice day today. We're supposed to go on another Family Field Trip but it's 11 am and most people are still asleep.
So cross that Babydoll perfume off my list. And Universe, show me the MONEY! hahahaha:D
1. I was fortunate enough to have gotten a flyer (from my mom's friend) of the YSL Beaute Warehouse sale. The minute I saw it, I was itching to go. The next day, we had no cars and it was all the way in Rydalmere. When my brother finally got home, I POUNCED on him to go with me. I didn't know what to expect at first and exactly how cheap I could get the items for, but I went anyway out of curiousity.
Oh my god. The second you get in, you can pick up a BOX to put all your loot in. Women were grabbing 3-4-5 boxes of fragrances, 5 lipsticks and packs of skin care products. It was nuts! As you all know, YSL is one of the luxury brands that don't care anything below $50 (Maybe even more)
I decided to be smart about it and not go psycho and start stuffing the box with random products. I came prepared and took out moved everything in my account to another except the amount I was willing to spend-$200. I fgured if it was cheap enough, I could get a supply enough to last me a year of work and if it wasn't, then I could get a few things and my most favorite Babydoll perfume for myself.
I was high for about two hours after. I felt like I got my fix and I was good to go. And the best part is, I didn't even reach my targeted budget but spent way less! *sigh* Friday was a good day! It was my sunshine through the clouds and rain!
2. So, after the high I got from the sale kinda deflated due to the fact that as soon as I got home, I realized it was my turn to cook dinner and my previously marinated chicken was sitting in a bowl, waiting to be breaded and baked. Right before my mood was completely back to harassed mode, I get an sms from my friend Lisette asking me if I was busy the next day ..."If not, I am taking you to Max Brenner!" haha! I quickly replied that I wasn't. I didn't even want to waste my time going to Glebe because all reports predicted rains through out the day.
So yesterday, I restrained myself from eating anything chocolate because I wanted my Italian Thick to be special!We met up at Max Brenner in Parramatta and gulped down a Dark Italian Thick EACH and devoured a plate of strawberries with chocolate dip (as if the THICK hot chocolate wasn't enough) Between the kwento and all the chocolate, I was feeling quite happy again and ready for some (window) shopping.
I had great self control yesterday, I must say. I kept thinking that I spent over a hundred bucks the day before on make-up so I didn't want to and COULDN'T spend more than $25 dollars today (actually I didn't want to spend anything but I gave myself that because I knew I'd cheat anyway) Saw 2 cute dresses at Valley Girl, but nope, don't need another dress. Next door at Betts, I fell in love with a pair of red patent pumps-on sale for $49.95 from $90. But-NO, over my budget for the day. At MAC, I wanted to buy the LADYBUG lipstick I've been eyeing-$34 dollars. No can do. And besides, with my 30% discount at MAC in Paddo, I could get it for ten dollars cheaper.
On the way to finding my mom, I found this little store that sold cheap stuff so I decided to check it out. It was called Groove and I was able to get my Dessert Treats whipped cream on sale and a nice latte colored bag plus a little treat for Ananda, all for less than $25.
Mission Accomplished!
Went to a house warming in Annandale last night and I am jealous of the older houses with so much character. The houses in neighborhoods like ours are nice but all look the same! Hay, when I get back and decide to settle, I will get my terrace apartment.
It's a nice day today. We're supposed to go on another Family Field Trip but it's 11 am and most people are still asleep.
So cross that Babydoll perfume off my list. And Universe, show me the MONEY! hahahaha:D
Thursday, April 26, 2007
World Salad
I think Verbal Diarrhea is a better term for what this is.
Today i want to talk about what I want. And complain. Sorry. But, really I'm not. Haha.
I have been so so so bored. I've been at home the past few days with the exception of a few hours at Castle Towers today. (Whoopdeedoo) It's been cold and wet (except today that's why I refused to stay home!) I still don't know what to do for my birthday, or if I should just wait until I get back to Manila. I'm too tamad to plan, and I don't have that many friends here yet that I can dump that responsibility on. I wanna go to Max Brenner. I wanna go eat good Italian food and Japanese- and I wanna raid MAC. I wanna just go back to Manila already because I wanna start with what I am going there for, but at the same time, I don't wanna leave Sydney just yet because I know I won't be back for a long while. I wanna do the whole Viaje del Sol thing. I wanna travel the Philippines. I REALLY wanna go back to London. I've been dreaming of it lately, both while sleeping and awake. I wanna travel. I wanna fix my store. I wanna write for magazines again. I miss editorial work. but I don't wanna give up make-up. I'm confused about certain things. I miss my boyfriend.
I hate the cold. I hate rain. Argh. Sorry about all this. This has been pointless so far.
1. A Sony Cybershot T10 in PINK
2. A Holga, Oktomat or Supersampler

3. Boots. No heel. (Or if w/ heel exactly like this pair haha) Cowboy or Slouchy. This color. Or white. Or purple, green or blue in suede.

4. A nice Zimmerman Swimsuit

5. Vintage/Inspired Oversized Sunnies in Red/Black/White

6. BINDEEZ! Seriously!

7. A new iPOD. My old one is officially dead.

8. YSL Baby Doll. The only perfume (not counting cookie/cake/vanilla scented sprays or whatever) that I really like.

9. Lastly. Plenty of THIS. (Don't we ALL want plenty of this?)

Aaaaaah. Just 11 more days before I turn 28! And another step closer to being old. Maybe the universe will conspire and I will be able to get everything I want. Haha.
Today i want to talk about what I want. And complain. Sorry. But, really I'm not. Haha.
I have been so so so bored. I've been at home the past few days with the exception of a few hours at Castle Towers today. (Whoopdeedoo) It's been cold and wet (except today that's why I refused to stay home!) I still don't know what to do for my birthday, or if I should just wait until I get back to Manila. I'm too tamad to plan, and I don't have that many friends here yet that I can dump that responsibility on. I wanna go to Max Brenner. I wanna go eat good Italian food and Japanese- and I wanna raid MAC. I wanna just go back to Manila already because I wanna start with what I am going there for, but at the same time, I don't wanna leave Sydney just yet because I know I won't be back for a long while. I wanna do the whole Viaje del Sol thing. I wanna travel the Philippines. I REALLY wanna go back to London. I've been dreaming of it lately, both while sleeping and awake. I wanna travel. I wanna fix my store. I wanna write for magazines again. I miss editorial work. but I don't wanna give up make-up. I'm confused about certain things. I miss my boyfriend.
I hate the cold. I hate rain. Argh. Sorry about all this. This has been pointless so far.
1. A Sony Cybershot T10 in PINK

2. A Holga, Oktomat or Supersampler

3. Boots. No heel. (Or if w/ heel exactly like this pair haha) Cowboy or Slouchy. This color. Or white. Or purple, green or blue in suede.

4. A nice Zimmerman Swimsuit

5. Vintage/Inspired Oversized Sunnies in Red/Black/White

6. BINDEEZ! Seriously!

7. A new iPOD. My old one is officially dead.

8. YSL Baby Doll. The only perfume (not counting cookie/cake/vanilla scented sprays or whatever) that I really like.

9. Lastly. Plenty of THIS. (Don't we ALL want plenty of this?)

Aaaaaah. Just 11 more days before I turn 28! And another step closer to being old. Maybe the universe will conspire and I will be able to get everything I want. Haha.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Today we had a Paredes Family Field Trip to "Circular Rocks" (according to my evidently confused daughter!) It looked like it was going to pour this morning but thankful our plans to go out as a fam + Beng pushed through and it turned out to be a nice day except for that 15 minutes of light drizzling while we were at The Rocks Market.
We spent the day camwhoring, watching the buskers and munching on random food we picked up along the way. It was fun because since we moved here, I've never really done the whole tourist thing and there are still so many places I haven't been to. So since I'm leaving again in about a month or so, I'm doing it as much as I can. When I move here for good (meaning no more back and forth!) I vow to get out of the suburbs immediately! I just can't see myself doing it. At least not until I am officially married and want to have another kid, and even then, closer to the city is better. I have resigned to the fact that I am really a city dweller and I thrive in that kind of environment. And I guess with what I do in life, both as a career and because it's a personal love thing-I need to be somewhere I can get fashion inspiration, and although we have a lovely house and neighborhood, this is hardly the place to gain fashion inspiration! But I digress...haha. As usual. Hay, hopefully someday I will have enough money to live in Paddo.

Children of the corn. Eating what Ala thinks is the best corn she's ever tasted.

Ala and I. A very cheesy touristy shot!

Siblings and little monkey and Opera House

Not your typical touristy shot!

Ananda took this photo!Galing o!

I found a monkey hanging on a lamp post!
Saturday was another nice day. We were at Glebe selling at the markets. The funny thing is, Beng, our helper who is here on holiday has this admirer at Glebe. He's this South American stall holder who is always smiling and winking at her. I think she's half weirded out and half kilig. I told her to marry him already so she can stay here (haha!)
Since I only have a handful of selling saturdays left, I decided that for people who show up at Glebe, I will give a special discount. I'm not giving it to people who order online, only to those who go to the markets and mention that they read my blog! I have fun when I'm there because I get to talk to so many people, but I am so sick of eating Gozleme (sp.?) or kebabs every week and i don;t have enough time to go to one of the cafes on Glebe Point Road to eat. I end up not eating (or eating Gozleme haha) I hope my friends finally out up that food stall they've been planning, because it sounds so good and I am sick, sick, sick of the food at Glebe! I mean, I'm not saying it's bad, I just can't eat it anymore. Oh and we didn't fry in the sun this week because we had an umbrella (Thanks Miles!)
Ok since I am babbling, I am pretty sure it means I'm exhausted and forcing myself to talk about interestign and intelligent things. I am not succeeding so it may be time to sleep! G'nyt Sydney! G'nyt Manila! :)
peace to joes all over the world!
We spent the day camwhoring, watching the buskers and munching on random food we picked up along the way. It was fun because since we moved here, I've never really done the whole tourist thing and there are still so many places I haven't been to. So since I'm leaving again in about a month or so, I'm doing it as much as I can. When I move here for good (meaning no more back and forth!) I vow to get out of the suburbs immediately! I just can't see myself doing it. At least not until I am officially married and want to have another kid, and even then, closer to the city is better. I have resigned to the fact that I am really a city dweller and I thrive in that kind of environment. And I guess with what I do in life, both as a career and because it's a personal love thing-I need to be somewhere I can get fashion inspiration, and although we have a lovely house and neighborhood, this is hardly the place to gain fashion inspiration! But I digress...haha. As usual. Hay, hopefully someday I will have enough money to live in Paddo.

Children of the corn. Eating what Ala thinks is the best corn she's ever tasted.

Ala and I. A very cheesy touristy shot!

Siblings and little monkey and Opera House

Not your typical touristy shot!

Ananda took this photo!Galing o!

I found a monkey hanging on a lamp post!
Saturday was another nice day. We were at Glebe selling at the markets. The funny thing is, Beng, our helper who is here on holiday has this admirer at Glebe. He's this South American stall holder who is always smiling and winking at her. I think she's half weirded out and half kilig. I told her to marry him already so she can stay here (haha!)
Since I only have a handful of selling saturdays left, I decided that for people who show up at Glebe, I will give a special discount. I'm not giving it to people who order online, only to those who go to the markets and mention that they read my blog! I have fun when I'm there because I get to talk to so many people, but I am so sick of eating Gozleme (sp.?) or kebabs every week and i don;t have enough time to go to one of the cafes on Glebe Point Road to eat. I end up not eating (or eating Gozleme haha) I hope my friends finally out up that food stall they've been planning, because it sounds so good and I am sick, sick, sick of the food at Glebe! I mean, I'm not saying it's bad, I just can't eat it anymore. Oh and we didn't fry in the sun this week because we had an umbrella (Thanks Miles!)
Ok since I am babbling, I am pretty sure it means I'm exhausted and forcing myself to talk about interestign and intelligent things. I am not succeeding so it may be time to sleep! G'nyt Sydney! G'nyt Manila! :)
peace to joes all over the world!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
GLEBE Markets this Saturday.
10am-5pm. Glebe Public School along Glebe Point Road.
Hurry! Before I leave for Manila :)
10am-5pm. Glebe Public School along Glebe Point Road.
Hurry! Before I leave for Manila :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Blondes have more fun!
Happy Birthday Ala!
We celebrated Ala's 24th birthday last Sunday with a not-surprise but surprise theme party. Did that make sense? Haha. She basically knew there was going to be a party, but I told her to give me a list of people and then to forget about it. So, my mom and I got to work getting the decorations from our new discovery-Happy Time party store, or something like that, along Sunnyholt. The theme was Oscars that quickly became Hollywood and we got cut out clappers, lights, video cameras, street signs that said "Hollywood Boulevard", "Rodeo Drive" etc and even bought a red disposable table cloth roll to turn into the red carpet.
It was fun and people were game. Most of the guys wore suits and girls came in dresses. Some came as characters, celebs and I was a designer.

Can you guess which designer? haha! I couldnt quite get the leathery orange tan! My apologies haha!

Family Picture! Whos who???

Ananda wanted a wig too! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....TO YOU.." (sung the Marilyn Monroe way)

The cake! I made this! I decorated it! Naubos sya! Woohoo! Thanks Betty! (Crocker, that is!)
All birthday parties should have a theme. It's so much fun!
Welcome to the Jungle
Well, not really. Actually, it's Welcome to Featherdale along Kildare road in Blacktown, but still, it's the closest we will get to the bush right now. (Or for me, EVER haha)
It was fun and I was most concerned with the Easter egg hunt. They gave us a piece of paper when we paid to get in and we were supposed to find the big easter eggs in each part of the zoo, and get the coresponding stamp for each egg. The prize was an Easter hamper. Not that Ananda needed any more chocolate eggs and bunnies, but I'm just competitive like that. We didn't win though. Boo Hoo.
I saw my most favorite wombats. Yay! They are so adorable and I want one to sleep beside me every night. It'll probably smell and the stench will stick to me forever but they are so cuuuute!
Ananda was excited to see the Kangaroos and was happy to see the little 4 month old joey even before we went in!

Came face to face with one later on. She didn't want to leave!

And I found me a new boyfriend (Sorry Boogie!;p)
Since I'm leaving Sydney again for a significant number of months, I enjoy doing stuff with my family and going to places. Opera Bar daw for my birthday. Game. Yay.
We celebrated Ala's 24th birthday last Sunday with a not-surprise but surprise theme party. Did that make sense? Haha. She basically knew there was going to be a party, but I told her to give me a list of people and then to forget about it. So, my mom and I got to work getting the decorations from our new discovery-Happy Time party store, or something like that, along Sunnyholt. The theme was Oscars that quickly became Hollywood and we got cut out clappers, lights, video cameras, street signs that said "Hollywood Boulevard", "Rodeo Drive" etc and even bought a red disposable table cloth roll to turn into the red carpet.
It was fun and people were game. Most of the guys wore suits and girls came in dresses. Some came as characters, celebs and I was a designer.

Can you guess which designer? haha! I couldnt quite get the leathery orange tan! My apologies haha!

Family Picture! Whos who???

Ananda wanted a wig too! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....TO YOU.." (sung the Marilyn Monroe way)

The cake! I made this! I decorated it! Naubos sya! Woohoo! Thanks Betty! (Crocker, that is!)
All birthday parties should have a theme. It's so much fun!
Welcome to the Jungle
Well, not really. Actually, it's Welcome to Featherdale along Kildare road in Blacktown, but still, it's the closest we will get to the bush right now. (Or for me, EVER haha)
It was fun and I was most concerned with the Easter egg hunt. They gave us a piece of paper when we paid to get in and we were supposed to find the big easter eggs in each part of the zoo, and get the coresponding stamp for each egg. The prize was an Easter hamper. Not that Ananda needed any more chocolate eggs and bunnies, but I'm just competitive like that. We didn't win though. Boo Hoo.
I saw my most favorite wombats. Yay! They are so adorable and I want one to sleep beside me every night. It'll probably smell and the stench will stick to me forever but they are so cuuuute!
Ananda was excited to see the Kangaroos and was happy to see the little 4 month old joey even before we went in!

Came face to face with one later on. She didn't want to leave!

And I found me a new boyfriend (Sorry Boogie!;p)
Since I'm leaving Sydney again for a significant number of months, I enjoy doing stuff with my family and going to places. Opera Bar daw for my birthday. Game. Yay.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Life is beautiful
My cousin Chini is such a paradox. Even as she is a widow with three kids at 27 years old, I sometimes feel like I'm back in high school when we talk to each other. Her infectuous laughter, the way she makes chismis with her Aussie-Bisaya accent, the way she thinks out loud. She's so cute and has such a child-like heart that it's very hard no to like her.
And then all of a sudden she'll say something really mature and enlightened like "No matter what happens you should never ever get angry with God. He would never allow us to go through something we can't handle. We should always accept what he gives us"
For someone who has been through what she has, that might be a lot to ask for most people, but not for Chini. She is one of the most positive people I know. And because of that, I think about what I go through, what I whinge about and just how low my life has been at certain points. Although I really believe that you can't compare one person's grief to the next person's, sometimes you get a sense of perspective when you realize that some of the stuff you thought were so important, weren't really after all.
Most of us kind of stop believing in God, even a little bit, or for a little while when our world comes crashing down on us. I have questioned my faith many times through out the course of my life, but at the end of the day, I always realize that there is something higher than me that must be keeping me alive and keeping me wanting to go on. Thanks Chini for reminding me.

Easter at Oatlands!
My sister's birthday is on Tuesday, meaning mine is coming a mere 3 weeks after. I can't believe it's been a year since I last wrote a birthday entry on my blog. And once again, I will be spending it here without trusted and loved friends and extended family, but for some reason, this year doesn't seem as lonely. I have to give it to the people we met here in Oz for making sure I didn't stay home and sulk on my birthday last year. If not for Opium Den at Pott's Point, Blue Mountains with the family the next day and JP's Chinese feast the week after, I would have been totally miserable. I am still not used to the idea that my birthday is practically in winter here.

1. The birthday I spent at King's Cross 2. The still uncooked super delicious Chinese lauriat haha 3. Freezing our asses off at Blue Mountains
This year, I don't know what Im going to do here seeing as that the person who suggested I don't stay home and sulk (Mel) is back in Manila and the other person I can bug anytime (JP) is also back in the Philippines. Maybe I can get the WHOLE family (ahem, including a certain brother of mine) to go on a roadtrip near by or even go to the city and take a bus for lunch at Leichhardt, pasyal-pasyal then dinner at Chinatown.
Can anyone suggest anything? Does anyone wanna take me somewhere I haven't been to yet? I like having one week long birthdays and I guess since I'm in a different country, I can take advantage of the fact that less friends-less gastos haha and also, I can have intimate celebrations instead of a big one where I don't get to talk to half the people I invite.
Oh, I do have a birthday wish list in case anyone (ahem, ahem friends and family HAHAHA) is inclined to give me something. I realized though, that the olde ryou get, the less people care about your birthday, until you turn 50, then everyone makes a big deal about it again. So, every birthday from 26-49 just kind of goes by. That shouldn't be the case in my opinion because every birthday should be the special! It's the one day each year that you can feel special and no one can do anything about it. Besides, each year might be your last (not to be morbid but it's true)
1. A new digital camera because Ananda broke mine and Ala thinks I should just get a new one because it's an old model. I want a Sony Cybershot T10-the Pink one!
2. A Holga (w/ flash) http://www.lomographyasia.com/shop/?showproduct=184, an Oktomat http://www.lomographyasia.com/shop/?showproduct=107 or a Supersampler http://www.lomographyasia.com/shop/?showproduct=111 (Thanks Zee for the url!)
3. Slouch boots in off white, grey or royal purple.
4. Jessica Simpson Dessert Treats Fragrance or whipped cream (I know. Jessica Simpson. But I like to smell like cake and candy and other fatteningly sugary stuff)
5. A silver bag big enough to fit all my stuff. preferably the size of a Louis Vuitton Speedy 30.
6. What the heck, an LV Speedy30 haha.
7. Beige/Cream, White, Red vintage looking sunnies (kinda squarish shape and oversized. Think Nicole Richie)
8. M.A.C lipstick in Ladybug
9. Nailpolish in black, white, red, and bubble gum pink.
10. A really good meal somewhere I haven't eaten at. I am pms-ing now so italian sounds good haha. Cheese!
11. One last beach trip before the cold finally permanently kicks in. Bondi, Bronte, Manly WHEREVER! Mag picnic tayo!
12. A hair cut and color. At a good salon.
My dad always says Ask and you shall recieve. Maybe my mom will finally win the lotto :p Keeping my fingers crossed.
Goodnight Joes. It's past my bedtime.
And then all of a sudden she'll say something really mature and enlightened like "No matter what happens you should never ever get angry with God. He would never allow us to go through something we can't handle. We should always accept what he gives us"
For someone who has been through what she has, that might be a lot to ask for most people, but not for Chini. She is one of the most positive people I know. And because of that, I think about what I go through, what I whinge about and just how low my life has been at certain points. Although I really believe that you can't compare one person's grief to the next person's, sometimes you get a sense of perspective when you realize that some of the stuff you thought were so important, weren't really after all.
Most of us kind of stop believing in God, even a little bit, or for a little while when our world comes crashing down on us. I have questioned my faith many times through out the course of my life, but at the end of the day, I always realize that there is something higher than me that must be keeping me alive and keeping me wanting to go on. Thanks Chini for reminding me.

Easter at Oatlands!
My sister's birthday is on Tuesday, meaning mine is coming a mere 3 weeks after. I can't believe it's been a year since I last wrote a birthday entry on my blog. And once again, I will be spending it here without trusted and loved friends and extended family, but for some reason, this year doesn't seem as lonely. I have to give it to the people we met here in Oz for making sure I didn't stay home and sulk on my birthday last year. If not for Opium Den at Pott's Point, Blue Mountains with the family the next day and JP's Chinese feast the week after, I would have been totally miserable. I am still not used to the idea that my birthday is practically in winter here.

1. The birthday I spent at King's Cross 2. The still uncooked super delicious Chinese lauriat haha 3. Freezing our asses off at Blue Mountains
This year, I don't know what Im going to do here seeing as that the person who suggested I don't stay home and sulk (Mel) is back in Manila and the other person I can bug anytime (JP) is also back in the Philippines. Maybe I can get the WHOLE family (ahem, including a certain brother of mine) to go on a roadtrip near by or even go to the city and take a bus for lunch at Leichhardt, pasyal-pasyal then dinner at Chinatown.
Can anyone suggest anything? Does anyone wanna take me somewhere I haven't been to yet? I like having one week long birthdays and I guess since I'm in a different country, I can take advantage of the fact that less friends-less gastos haha and also, I can have intimate celebrations instead of a big one where I don't get to talk to half the people I invite.
Oh, I do have a birthday wish list in case anyone (ahem, ahem friends and family HAHAHA) is inclined to give me something. I realized though, that the olde ryou get, the less people care about your birthday, until you turn 50, then everyone makes a big deal about it again. So, every birthday from 26-49 just kind of goes by. That shouldn't be the case in my opinion because every birthday should be the special! It's the one day each year that you can feel special and no one can do anything about it. Besides, each year might be your last (not to be morbid but it's true)
1. A new digital camera because Ananda broke mine and Ala thinks I should just get a new one because it's an old model. I want a Sony Cybershot T10-the Pink one!
2. A Holga (w/ flash) http://www.lomographyasia.com/shop/?showproduct=184, an Oktomat http://www.lomographyasia.com/shop/?showproduct=107 or a Supersampler http://www.lomographyasia.com/shop/?showproduct=111 (Thanks Zee for the url!)
3. Slouch boots in off white, grey or royal purple.
4. Jessica Simpson Dessert Treats Fragrance or whipped cream (I know. Jessica Simpson. But I like to smell like cake and candy and other fatteningly sugary stuff)
5. A silver bag big enough to fit all my stuff. preferably the size of a Louis Vuitton Speedy 30.
6. What the heck, an LV Speedy30 haha.
7. Beige/Cream, White, Red vintage looking sunnies (kinda squarish shape and oversized. Think Nicole Richie)
8. M.A.C lipstick in Ladybug
9. Nailpolish in black, white, red, and bubble gum pink.
10. A really good meal somewhere I haven't eaten at. I am pms-ing now so italian sounds good haha. Cheese!
11. One last beach trip before the cold finally permanently kicks in. Bondi, Bronte, Manly WHEREVER! Mag picnic tayo!
12. A hair cut and color. At a good salon.
My dad always says Ask and you shall recieve. Maybe my mom will finally win the lotto :p Keeping my fingers crossed.
Goodnight Joes. It's past my bedtime.
Friday, April 6, 2007
I know it's the Easter Show and school break and all that but I have a stall at Glebe markets tomorrow so stop by if you can! :)
OK, this is going to be a cheesy paragraph. The first I've had about my boyfriend since I got here to Oz. I MIIIIIIISSSSSSSS HHIIIIIMMMMMM so, so much. I know we've done this before and it is much easier this time around because I know when I'm going back plus the 6 months we spent together made it more clear what we wanted and all, but it doesn't change the fact that it SUUUUCCCCKS! Even if I memorize all of Dicta License and Kjwan's songs, i miss going to gigs :D haha

Ok, so that's done. Haha.
I want to buy a HOLGA really badly. I have been wanting one for years but some more important purchase always comes along and I end up putting it off. Last night though, I went to Blender Gallery w/ new friend Lisette (hello!) in Paddo to check out THE WORLD THROUGH A PLASTIC LENS, a photography exhibit using lomography/holga cameras. If only the world could look like a Holga shot in real life...then it would be such a happier place!
I am considering buying the Holga package, which costs around $130 and comes with a book. it's cheaper then anything i would find in Manila. I also want a SuperSampler.
Or maybe I'll put it on my bday wish list since it's only a month away! ;p

Samples of Holga shots that I found on the net. What a perfect world.
I cut Ananda's hair a few weeks ago and I don't think I posted pics yet.

heehee she looks cute!
Happy Easter joes!
OK, this is going to be a cheesy paragraph. The first I've had about my boyfriend since I got here to Oz. I MIIIIIIISSSSSSSS HHIIIIIMMMMMM so, so much. I know we've done this before and it is much easier this time around because I know when I'm going back plus the 6 months we spent together made it more clear what we wanted and all, but it doesn't change the fact that it SUUUUCCCCKS! Even if I memorize all of Dicta License and Kjwan's songs, i miss going to gigs :D haha

Ok, so that's done. Haha.
I want to buy a HOLGA really badly. I have been wanting one for years but some more important purchase always comes along and I end up putting it off. Last night though, I went to Blender Gallery w/ new friend Lisette (hello!) in Paddo to check out THE WORLD THROUGH A PLASTIC LENS, a photography exhibit using lomography/holga cameras. If only the world could look like a Holga shot in real life...then it would be such a happier place!
I am considering buying the Holga package, which costs around $130 and comes with a book. it's cheaper then anything i would find in Manila. I also want a SuperSampler.
Or maybe I'll put it on my bday wish list since it's only a month away! ;p

Samples of Holga shots that I found on the net. What a perfect world.
I cut Ananda's hair a few weeks ago and I don't think I posted pics yet.

heehee she looks cute!
Happy Easter joes!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Not in a very good mood
I am going nuts! I haven't slept in three days! Ananda has been driving me crazy. I want to get away from her for one whole night just so I can sleep without waking up 6 times because she is whining for no reason. I wake up so grouchy and not in the mood because I have a headache and ARGH. Plus she broke my camera the other day.
Anyway, I got into a semi-arguement with someone yesterday. Honestly, if thinking something is the same as doing it, then many of us have committed numerous murders, robbed many banks and shops and the world would have probably seized to exist as it does today. A lot of times, we like things we society says we shouldn't but it's how we act upon it that matters, not how we feel towards it. I just finished reading Paolo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym and the basic message of the entire book is that Good and Evil reside in all of us, no one is exempted. The thing is, we have the gift of choice, and those choices are what determine whether or not we let good or evil win.
We have all done good, and have all done evil, so for me judging another person for what he/she thinks is just NOT cool. You can say how you feel, even if it opposes what the other thinks but don't attack them like YOU are right and the other person is wrong.
Needless to say, the past two days have been a bit annoying and tiring. Perhaps also due to the fact that I'm bored beyond belief. All i wanna do is start production for Peace Joe but seeing as I am still here, all i can do is plan, plan, plan and I think I have planned everything I could possibly plan and all there is to do is just actually do it. I was considering leaving sooner to be able to start production sooner but I remembered I still have to finish up my vintage stocks over here.
So you guys come to Glebe when I have a stall and help me go back to Manila earlier hehe :)
Anyway, errands today. Gotta post some orders and buy stuff for Ananda's bday party in Manila to put in the box I am shipping. Hopefully my mood shifts soon.
Peace Out Joes
Anyway, I got into a semi-arguement with someone yesterday. Honestly, if thinking something is the same as doing it, then many of us have committed numerous murders, robbed many banks and shops and the world would have probably seized to exist as it does today. A lot of times, we like things we society says we shouldn't but it's how we act upon it that matters, not how we feel towards it. I just finished reading Paolo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym and the basic message of the entire book is that Good and Evil reside in all of us, no one is exempted. The thing is, we have the gift of choice, and those choices are what determine whether or not we let good or evil win.
We have all done good, and have all done evil, so for me judging another person for what he/she thinks is just NOT cool. You can say how you feel, even if it opposes what the other thinks but don't attack them like YOU are right and the other person is wrong.
Needless to say, the past two days have been a bit annoying and tiring. Perhaps also due to the fact that I'm bored beyond belief. All i wanna do is start production for Peace Joe but seeing as I am still here, all i can do is plan, plan, plan and I think I have planned everything I could possibly plan and all there is to do is just actually do it. I was considering leaving sooner to be able to start production sooner but I remembered I still have to finish up my vintage stocks over here.
So you guys come to Glebe when I have a stall and help me go back to Manila earlier hehe :)
Anyway, errands today. Gotta post some orders and buy stuff for Ananda's bday party in Manila to put in the box I am shipping. Hopefully my mood shifts soon.
Peace Out Joes
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