Monday, July 16, 2007

Hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go

So the day has finally come. I am officially part of the work force. As in with signed contracts and everything.

Say hello to the newest addition to Metro Magazine :) The former Associate Editor moved to becoming the EIC of Chalk so I took her place. Yay!

Anyway, more later on this week. Metrowear this Thursday, July 19 at the Rockwell tent.

Peace Joes!


Anonymous said...

hi, can you please post photos of how you look like when you go to work? Just for inspiration :)Sometimes I have a hard time deciding what to wear to work because of the heat :(

Jim said...

congrats working girl!!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that you're back in the Philippines for good?

Aycs said...

It means I am back in the Philippines FOR NOW haha