So what did you all do for the long weekend? I took my daughter to Baguio. The last time I was there was 4 and a half years ago, long before I had her. It was so nice to be back in our house, to feel the cold, clean Baguio air, the warmth of our fireplace and to buy fresh fruits and veg in the Baguio Public market!
Ananda's first market experience. If you ask her she'll say "What market? That icky place that smelled like suka?" hahaha! OF course I had to take her to do all the traditional Baguio things. My dad always says that when you have children, you go through childhood all over again, and he's right. I found myself going to Wright Park (Twice!) to ride horses, Burnham park to see the boats and Mine's View Park-all for the benefit of my daughter. We've had out Baguio house for about a decade now and not once do I remember going to most of the tourist spots.
The first time we went to Wright Park, she wanted a big horse and for me to ride with her.
The next day she wanted to ride a horse all by herself. And it had to be one with Pink hair. The one we originally wanted had nice long hair, like Starlight from Rainbow Brite. Unfortunately some other kid was riding it and we'd have to wait 30 minutes, so she settled for Strawberry. We spent two of our three nights in front of the fireplace at home, with Gina and I eating cheese and crackers and drinking wine and Ananda devouring marshmallows and slurping down hot chocolate. She was so excited the whole time we were there that she actually had eye bags from lack of sleep. She'd wake up so early, already shouting for the horses!
We had a whole ginormous bag or giant marshamallows in two nights. That can't be good! Of course, I HAD to go to Good Sheperd and get strawberry jam (I'm not a fan of Ube! Although it smells heavenly when newly cooked!) I also got home made peanut butter (w/c is alwys good), guava jam, guava jelly, mango jam and guava candy. Can you tell I like Guava? All I drank when I was preggers with Ananda was Guava juice and it just stuck. The ironic thing is, I don't care so much for the actual fruit. Anyway, it was fun and I'm looking forward to going up there more often. I can't believe I waited this long! I love our house and I love the weather!
BOO!Before we left for the mountains, I went out for Halloween! We just roamed around the Fort area. It was fun.

Bea as a...actually I don't know what, Me as Alice in wonderland (in Navy Blue!) and Gina as a Japanese Girl-in Piedra

Alice, Alexi as a witch (too cute to be a witch!), 2 baduy costume-less guys Rob and Pao , Monique and Ginasachiko at Cuisine.

Alice, Jena, Ginasachiko and Unfinished Dress Patring- a little detour to Jaipur!
I love Halloween and I'll dres sup every year forever and ever!
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