Thursday, March 8, 2007

Letting Go and Life Sentences

My blog was starting to feel like a piece of paper with too much stuff written on it so I decided to start with a fresh sheet. Besides, that blog carried to many memories, and although both bad and good, I decided that it's better to just let everything go at one point and start on a clean slate.

So here I am. Another blog, another set of adventures but still the same journey. There may be different versions of Aycs as I grow, slip back, stumble and get up again but it's still essentially me.

I wrote about a sensitive topic but deleted it just now. I wrote it with good intentions but the people involved may not take it as such so I decided against publishing it.

Instead I will ask the question that my friends and I are forever asking ourselves and each other: Am I ever going to get married?

1. The question is not asked out of extreme desire of wanting to get married but a well thought of inquiry based on events of the past and present situations.
2. We realize more and more that marriage is not the be all and end all of life. It is not the holy grail or the ultimate goal. Life doesn't stop after marriage.

I used to think I was going to be married at 28, with children by 30 but clearly that is not happening seeing as I am turning 28 in a couple of months and my daughter is turning three in June. The thought of marriage used to keep me in my daydreams for hours. I, like so many young (meaning like early 20's) women had my wedding all planned out, even before a prospective groom wa sin the picture. So much so that i was actually offered a job based on an article I wrote giving a blow by blow account of my wedding that has yet to happen.

Our parents got married really early so I kind of thought, it would be the same for me and all my friends. Well, here we are closer to thirty than twenty and I only know a handful of people close to me who have tied the knot. Reasons for not getting married are usually:

1. I'm not ready.
2. I still wanna do so many things.
3. I want to focus on my career first and make a gazillion dollars.
4. I'm traumatized from a past relationship.
5. I don't believe in marriage.

I, personally DO want to get married, but maybe not right at this instant. In a few years probably but there is really no rush. I do know though that it would be nice to grow old with someone regardless of any socially required labels or tags the law requires.

Some people like my best friend Dee, "just know" when they are as young as twenty, or like Amina, can be fortunate enough to find him on the first try, but for most of us, it really is trial and error. It's a wonderful and horrible roller coaster ride that we all hope will be worth it in the end.

Before I go, here's a little something to get excited about...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Peace Joe featured in the GCASH ad!

Styled by Bea Cons-who is now in Killa Cali making her fashion dreams come true!

To moving forward and cherished memories joes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erica!
I look forward to following your new blogging journey - have really enjoyed your previous one!
xx Diana