Monday, August 13, 2007


For those who watched or heard about the Asean Ikon contest---

KJWAN won the contest in Malaysia last night! They won against 10 other bands in Manila including big hitters like The Dawn and proceeded to kill the competition in Malaysia last night.

I'm so proud 0f Boogie and the rest of Kjwan!Philippines represent!

Last week, they also represented the Philippines at the Bay Beats Festival in Singapore. There were only two bands from the Philippines that played there-Kjwan and Urbandub. Someone from Singapore wrote a really nice review and posted this picture on his blog:

That's voclaist marc waving the Philippine flag at the bay beats festival. Good job Guys!

They come home today! yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats to kjwan! dude thats a nice photo of the pinoy flag. woohoo!
-bea cons-