Things I want right now, just because!
1. Canon Powershot G9

I realized I'm unhappy with my Fuji Finepix camera (which I got on sale in Australia last January) I want a nice, easy to use digital camera that will make my photos look like they are professional hehe. Perfect for all the food photos I love to take! Plus, I hate how my camera takes so long to focus!
2. Vintage dresses

No matter what trends come and go, what different looks I try out every so often, I realized my heart is really in vintage. I just got a few dresses and tops yesterday from Ukay. Cute 70's flower child dresses that I can't wait to accessorize with boots and gold accessories. I want more.
3. Black biker boots and White Doc Martens

Wala lang. I'm kind of feeling the whole 90's grunge look also-updated and less scruffy though.
4. A gold iPod

Not a shuffle though. Wala lang, just because! haha.
5. Tickets to Panic at the Disco and Rick Astley.
6. Gift Certificates to Blow up babies.
7. A potbellied pig or teacup chihuahua or yorkie

So cute. Waaaaah. I've been dreaming of one for the past month!

We have two yorkies, and neither of them is as cute as this!!!!
SIGH. Perhaps The Secret will get me everything on this list? But money may be a better option. I wish I Wish I Wish.
where do you go ukay?
EVERYWHERE! I have no attachment to any :) There are a couple I always try to go to when I have time, but I won't say where! My secret! Hint: It's not within Metro Manila
ok. happy shopping!
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