Phew! The past month has been a succession of activity and travel. I'm finally home with no plans of leaving for at least the next two weeks for the first time n awhile! My next trip is to Boracay, but not until November. so I'm using this time to get my sh*t together work-wise before my month-long trip to Sydney in December. Woohoo. Can't wait!
The new Cuisine. I went to the re-opening of one of our favorite places to chill with some magazine friends. It ended in mayhem, as usual.
Spent some time with friends I should see more often! Here at Barcino with Chicho, Cla and Sarah
Watched the Apo 40th anniversary concert at Araneta with Mom, Boogie and even Ananda! (although she fell asleep halfway through! It was way past her bed time!)
Met up with the girls at my dad's photo exhibit (minus bea and sarah left by the time we took this photo)
Went short and blond for a day! hahaha! I also have photos with a short, black bob and this sarah palin looking 'do (unintentionally haha!)
Thailand with my relatives. Here on the river cruise with my cousins Lissy, Elaine and Andrea.
Then we went to Siem Reap, Cambodia to visit temples! Up there is Bantay Srei or what they call the Lady Temple since it's pink in color. The second is me at the Bayon Temple in Angkor Thom (I got in trouble for that photo! heehee) and lastly, watching the sunrise at Angkor Wat. I love Cambodia!!!!
Lastly, we jumped our way through Saigon! The first photo was taken at the Post Office, the second at the legendary Rex Hotel and the last one was at the Reunification Palace.
THe night we got back was also Elaine and Andrea's last night before going back to the States, so Boogie and I brought them to Cuisine and Embassy!
Sandro's little girl Sachi turned one and had a backyardigans themed bash!
El NIdo, Palawan for a shoot with Sarah. I brought Ananda and Andrea too! We finished the shoots quickstyle, so we had time to do all the fun stuff like snorkeling, kayaking etc.
Lastly, last weekend, I went to Bora for the 1st anniversary of the Tides! I'll be back on the island in a couple weeks. Thank God for Palawan and Bora trips, I have a tan once more yipee!
The next few weeks will be dedicated to work, work, work!
Peace Out!